
添加676字节 、​ 2022年4月16日 (六) 22:05
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Semantic MediaWiki (or SMW for short) is an extension to the well-known MediaWiki software. The purpose of SMW is to allow users to improve the structure and organization of the knowledge in a wiki by adding simple, machine-processable information to wiki articles. With this additional information, you can greatly improve searching, browsing, and sharing the wiki's knowledge; both within the wiki's pages and from external computer programs.
'''Semantic MediaWiki''' (or '''SMW''' for short) is an extension to the well-known [[mw:|MediaWiki]] software. The purpose of SMW is to allow users to improve the structure and organization of the knowledge in a wiki by adding simple, machine-processable information to wiki articles. With this additional information, you can greatly improve searching, browsing, and sharing the wiki's knowledge; both within the wiki's pages and from external computer programs.
语义维基(又被简称为SMW)是MediaWiki的一款知名扩展。SMW的目的是允许用户对维基页面 添加简单的、机器友好的信息 来改善知识的结构和组织。有了这些附加的信息,你可以非常好地改善搜索、浏览 和 分享该维基的知识。不论是通过维基页面还是外部计算机程序。
语义维基(又被简称为SMW)是MediaWiki的一款知名扩展。SMW的目的是允许用户对维基页面 添加简单的、机器友好的信息 来改善知识的结构和组织。有了这些附加的信息,你可以非常好地改善搜索、浏览 和 分享该维基的知识。不论是通过维基页面还是外部计算机程序。
This is the '''user manual of SMW''' that focusses on information for users of an SMW-enabled wiki. If you are new to SMW, then the [[Help:Introduction to Semantic MediaWiki|introduction to Semantic MediaWiki]] is a good starting point. Information for site administrators and for SMW developers (including information on the spinoff extensions of SMW) can be found on the [[main page]].
本用户手册是给已经启用语义危机的用户提供信息。如果你是新用户,[[Help:Introduction to Semantic MediaWiki|介绍SMW]]是一个好的起点。给网站管理者和SMW开发人员(包括SMW的衍生扩展)可以在[[SMW首页]]找到.