| : Data, once it is created in an SMW wiki, does not have to remain within the wiki; it can easily be exported via formats like CSV and JSON. This enables an SMW wiki to serve as a data source for other applications, or, in the case of enterprise usages, to take over the role that a relational database would normally play. Through the use of the Extension "External Data" extension, SPARQL, and other tools, one SMW-based wiki can even use the data from another, eliminating the need for redundancy between wikis. You can also query SMW's data from outside the wiki, via the API or an RDF triplestore. | | : Data, once it is created in an SMW wiki, does not have to remain within the wiki; it can easily be exported via formats like CSV and JSON. This enables an SMW wiki to serve as a data source for other applications, or, in the case of enterprise usages, to take over the role that a relational database would normally play. Through the use of the Extension "External Data" extension, SPARQL, and other tools, one SMW-based wiki can even use the data from another, eliminating the need for redundancy between wikis. You can also query SMW's data from outside the wiki, via the API or an RDF triplestore. |
| : Data contained in an SMW installation does not have to be an isolated store of information. Extensions such as Extension "Data Transfer" and Extension "External Data" empower you to integrate external data (coming e.g. from legacy systems, web services or linked data sources) and interrelate it with existing semantic data in the wiki. Thus, an SMW-powered wiki can serve as a central information hub in an IT landscape. | | : Data contained in an SMW installation does not have to be an isolated store of information. Extensions such as Extension "Data Transfer" and Extension "External Data" empower you to integrate external data (coming e.g. from legacy systems, web services or linked data sources) and interrelate it with existing semantic data in the wiki. Thus, an SMW-powered wiki can serve as a central information hub in an IT landscape. |